Četvrtak, 27 lipnja, 2024


DANI OLMO: Modrić Embodies the Croatian Mentality. Gvardiol is My Friend, but Today I Don’t Wish Him All the Best

Dani Olmo gave a special interview to HRT where he mostly talked about the Croatian national team and his time at Dinamo. He discussed mentality, Gvardiol, and Modrić. We’ve talked about the Croatian mentality before; can you tell us more...

Who are the early favorites to win the NFL rushing title?

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio.
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GALLANT: Odnosi Izraela i SAD-a netaknuti unatoč neslaganjima

Izrael i Sjedinjene Države ostaju ujedinjeni unatoč neslaganjima, rekao je izraelski ministar obrane Yoav Gallant u Washingtonu gdje je...
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