Petak, 14 ožujka, 2025

bosnia and herzegovina

THE ALBRIGHT GROUP’S BILLION-DOLLAR PLAN: How Biden’s Inner Circle in Bosnia Planned to Rob U.S. Citizens, Even After Trump’s Return to Power

Despite the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the Biden-Albright Group has a clear path to reap immense profits through the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina's gas infrastructure. The plan doesn't aim for mere millions—it's targeting...

Fire Him, Donald: Schmidt’s Balkan Blunders and Merkel’s Legacy Project”

Christian Schmidt, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, recently shared his pearls of wisdom at a forum in Königswinter, Germany. The event, hosted by the Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft, revolved around the implications of Donald Trump's second presidency for...

Čović at HDZ BiH Retreat: Progress in Growth Plan Is Evident, Constitutiveness Remains the Foundation of BiH

  The Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ BiH) held its regular retreat in Mostar, where party officials discussed current issues, focusing on the European integration process and necessary reforms. "We had three panels today. The first addressed our...

Feigling – A Common Word for Cowardice, Often Used for Politicians in Formal and Public Contexts

  In Novi Travnik, the name of a nursery school, Sultan Osvajač El Fatih (Sultan the Conqueror), has sparked long-standing controversy. The institution is named after Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, known as "The Conqueror," a historical figure tied to Bosnia...

Heroji BIH ne mogu biti samo muslimani i muslimanke

Zar nema niti jedne herojske priče iz Hrvatske vojske i Hrv.Vijeća Obrane? Zar nema ni jedna herojka iz Vojske Republike Srpske? Sve su to žene čije su ruke bile toliko čvrste dok su nosile oružje, čije su noge prošle nebrojene...

All Saints’ Day Celebrated in Mostar

Wreaths were laid and candles lit at the memorial to Croatian defenders in front of the Croatian Home of Duke Stjepan Kosača in Mostar, marking the celebration of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. As reported by Fena, delegations...

Tko je na listama za vijeća u BiH dobio najviše preferencijalnih glasova?

Evo ključnih teza iz teksta: Ljubuški rezultati: Lujo Barbarić iz HDZ-a BiH osvojio je 2227 glasova, iako je bio 30. na listi, što pokazuje snagu stranke u toj općini. Preferencijalni glasovi: U mnogim općinama u BiH pojedinci su s...

Taylor Swift Concerts in Vienna Canceled Due to Terror Threats

The planned Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, scheduled for August 8-10, 2024, were canceled due to a serious terrorist threat. Austrian authorities arrested three suspects planning the attack. The main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian citizen with North Macedonian roots,...

MIOMIR ŽUŽUL: Hrvati trebaju početi pravno dokazivati da je Dayton narušen

Doajen hrvatske diplomacije Miomir Žužul bio je gost emisije ‘Fokus’ RTV HB. Žužul je iznio niz stavova o stanju u BiH, od toga da je Dayton narušen jer su jednom konstitutivnom narodu oteta zajamčena ustavna prava, do toga da...

PEZZUTO: Posjeta Pape velika prilika za buđenje iz letargije

Apostolski nuncij Svete Stolice u BiH Luigi Pezzuto i predsjednik Europskog pokreta (EPuBiH) Predrag Praštalo razgovarali su danas u Sarajevu o tekućim društvenim tokovima i pitanjima te neophodnim političkim i društvenim reformama koje stoje pred bh. političarima na putu...
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Prosvjednici dolaze iz cijele Srbije, vlakovi stoje, vlast se zaključava

Beograd je postao glavni grad studentske karavane. Studenti, kao moderno hodočašće, dolaze iz svih dijelova Srbije, pješačeći prema protestnom...
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