Potaknuti velikim brojem novih djelatnika i općenito širenjem poslovanja, u SPARK grupaciji došlo je do potrebe za novim i boljim radnim prostorom. Tako je nastala ideja SPARKlanda – stambeno-poslovno-društvenom kompleksu koji svojom lokacijom i uređenjem nudi kvalitetu života u prirodnom okruženju. Kao primarni cilj postavlja se prilagođavanje životnog prostora poslovnom okruženju i stvaranje makro sustava u kojem svaki djelatnik ostvaruje svoje ljudske potencijale na moderan način.
Upravo je to razlog zašto je SPARK grupacija u suradnji s Arhitektonskim fakultetom u Sarajevu organizirala natječaj za studente arhitekture pod nazivom “Zgrada sjedišta NSofta”.
Nakon vrijednog rada na ovom realnom zadatku, nekoliko prezentacija i studijske posjete SPARKu, studenti su danas (28.2.2018.) u sklopu Izložbe studentskih radova na Arhitektonskom fakultetu prezentirali svoja rješenja.
Prezentirani arhitektonski projekti su rezultat arhitektonskog studija studenata 3. godine dodiplomskog studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Sarajevu realiziranog u suradnji sa predstavnicima SPARK grupacije iz Mostara – Andreom Čordaš (COO NSofta), Sanjinom Osmanbašićem (direktor SPARKa) i Markom Trogrlićem (direktor NiLa).
Organizacija arhitektonskog studija putem istraživanja i projektiranja realnih zadataka u koordinaciji sa realnim klijentima za cilj ima usmjeravanje tradicionalnog akademskog pristupa obrazovanja u arhitekturi u pravcu povezivanja akademske i istraživačke zajednice s uspješnim poslovnim tvrtkama u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Rezultati ovakvog procesa vode kako osavremenjavanju procesa obrazovanja u arhitektonskom projektovanju, tako i razvijanju kapaciteta i vidova međusobne suradnje Arhitektonskog fakulteta sa stvarnim potrebama sredine u kojoj djeluje.
Prvi rezultat su inspirativna arhitektonska rješenja zgrade sjedišta NSoft kompanije studenata arhitektonskog studija ‘Projektiranje 5’ realizirani u akademskoj 2017./2018. godini, pod vodstvom prof.dr. Adnana Pašića, dipl.ing.arh.
Dominirajući optimizam i progresivan arhitektonski izraz primjeren duhu mladih ljudi na uvjerljiv način podržava i promovira viziju SPARK grupacije.
Autori nagrađenih radova na studentskom arhitektonskom konkursu ‘Zgrada sjedišta NSoft’ su:
- nagrada – Agić Hamza, Bradvica Tomas i Plasto Amina
2. nagrada – Anušić Ivana i Topić Marin
3. nagrada – Resić Ajdin Mustafa, Smajkić Faris i Terzić Amila
Suradnja između Arhitektonskog fakulteta i SPARK grupacije se nastavlja u ljetnom semestru akademske 2017./2018. godine u vidu Internacionalog projektnog studija, s pratećim seminarima i radionicama. U ovima će sudjelovati studenti master studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, pod vodstvom prof.dr. Adnana Pašića i dr. Nasihe Pozder, kao i studenti master studija Istanbulskog Tehničkog Univerziteta sa internacionalnim timom studenata iz Turske, Hrvatske, Njemačke i Austrije, pod vodstvom prof.dr. Birgül Çolakoğlu, prof.dr. Hayriye Esbah Tuncer i prof.dr. Azime Tezer.
Dosadašnji rezultati suradnje su izuzetno pozitvno ocijenjeni od strane oba partnera, što je rezultiralo planovima za organizaciju još ovakvih natječaja i projekata u svrhu promocije profesionalizma, izvrsnosti i sinergije lokalnih i internacionalnih partnera realnog sektora i istraživačkih i akademskih institucija.
SPARKland: Winners of a Student Architectural Competition Called “NSoft Headquarters Building”
Encouraged by a large number of new employees and with business expansion in general, the SPARK group has the need for a new and better workspace. This was the beginning of the idea of SPARKland – a residential-business-social complex that offers the quality of life in a natural environment by its location and arrangement. The primary goal is to adapt the living space to the business environment and to create a macro system in which every employee achieves their human resources in a modern way.
That is precisely why the SPARK group, in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo, organized a competition for architecture students called “NSoft Headquarters Building”. After a valuable work on this realistic task, several presentations and study visits to SPARK, today (28.2.2018) students presented their solutions within the Student Exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture.
Presented architectural projects are the result of the architectural study of the 3rd year of undergraduate study of the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo realized in cooperation with representatives of the SPARK group from Mostar – Andrea Čordaš (COO at NSoft), Sanjin Osmanbašić (CEO at SPARK) and Marko Trogrlić (CEO at NiL). The organization of architectural studies through research and design of real tasks in coordination with real clients aims to guide traditional academic approaches to education in architecture in the direction of linking the academic and research community with successful business companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of this process lead to the modernization of the education process in architectural design, as well as to develop the capacity and the forms of mutual cooperation between the Faculty of Architecture and the real needs of the environment in which it operates.
The first result is the inspirational architectural design of NSoft’s headquarters building of the architectural study “Design 5” realized in academic 2017/2018 under the guidance of professor Adnan Pašić. Dominating optimism and a progressive architectural expression appropriate to the spirit of young people convincingly support and promote the vision of the SPARK group.
The authors of the award-winning solutions in the competition for architecture students called “NSoft Headquarters Building” are:
- prize – Agić Hamza, Bradvica Tomas, and Plasto Amina
2. prize – Anušić Ivana and Topić Marin
3. prize – Resić Ajdin Mustafa, Smajkić Faris, and Terzić Amila
Collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture and the SPARK Group continues in the summer semester of academic 2017/2018 in the form of an International Project Study, with accompanying seminars and workshops. These will be attended by students of the master’s degree from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sarajevo, led by professors Adnan Pašić and Nasihe Pozder, as well as students of the Istanbul Technical University with the international team of students from Turkey, Croatia, Germany and Austria under the guidance of professors Birgül Çolakoğlu, Hayriye Esbah Tuncer and Azime Tezer.
The results of the cooperation so far have been highly evaluated by both partners, which has resulted in plans for the organization of such other competitions and projects for the promotion of professionalism, excellence, and synergy between local and international partners of the real sector and research and academic institutions.