Petak, 20 rujna, 2024

KRIŽANČEVO SELO, 30 YEARS LATER: And this unpunished crime against Croats is evidence of the brutal corruption of the Hague Talibans


The 30th anniversary of the war crime committed by the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against Croats in Križančevo selo was commemorated today with a Holy Mass at the Church of St. Leopold Bogdan Mandić in Dubravica. This was followed by a procession in front of the church to the memorial site, where wreaths were laid, candles were lit, and a requiem was held for all fallen defenders and civilians, as reported by the Croatian Media Service.

The holy mass for the victims of Križančevo selo, as well as the requiem at the memorial site, was led by the knightly parish priest, Father Velimir Bavrka.

Numerous officials from the HDZ BiH and the Croatian National Assembly of BiH, led by President Dr. Dragan Čović, attended the anniversary event.

Križančevo selo, near Vitez, is the largest massacre site of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. On a single day, December 22, 1993, 64 members of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) and Croatian civilians, including women and unarmed elderly individuals, were killed. The crime occurred during the arrival of the humanitarian convoy “Bijeli put za Novu Bilu i Bosnu Srebrenu” (White Road to New Bila and Bosnia Srebrena).

A former member of the Bosniak Army of BiH, Almir Sarajlić, was sentenced to 20 years in prison by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for his involvement in the execution of at least 12 members of the Croatian Defense Council (HVO) who had surrendered in Križančevo selo in central Bosnia at the end of 1993. The bodies were exchanged 40 days after the crime.

The court, in its first-instance decision, found Sarajlić guilty, while his comrades and commanders were acquitted of responsibility for the shooting of at least 12 HVO members.

The families of the victims of the Križančevo selo crime continue to question how one person could attack a village and kill 64 Croats.

Today, President of HDZ BiH Dragan Čović stated that he is pleased that a large number of people gathered to witness life on this significant anniversary of the crime in Križančevo selo. He emphasized the need for all victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina to have a dignified burial place and for those who committed or ordered such crimes to be held accountable. This, he said, will demonstrate that the country functions as a state with the rule of law and restore faith that people can live together.

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