Ponedjeljak, 28 listopada, 2024

The Last America

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Elon Musk, the man who sends cars into space, buys social media platforms, and sells us dreams of colonizing Mars, is now predicting something much closer, much more real—the end of American democracy. “If Trump doesn’t win, this will be the last election.” Yes, you read that right. But these aren’t just Musk’s wild ramblings on X while sitting in some futuristic office. No, this is a message. A sign. And perhaps something more—a warning.

Because while we scroll through the news and watch America slide deeper into division every day, Musk is selling us a dystopia. America, the one we once knew, the land of the free and the brave, is slowly disappearing. In its place—something new, something colder. On one side, there are those who believe that Trump and his ideology are holding the last line of defense for freedom. Freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right to the America envisioned by the founding fathers. On the other side, we have progressive forces seeking progress, but at the cost of control. At the cost of restricting the very freedoms that define the American spirit.

In that chasm, between “Make America Great Again” and the looming technological tyranny, lies a divided America. A country that no longer knows how to speak the same language. A country where everyone is convinced that if they lose, the other side is coming for them. For their future, their rights, their way of life.

And here comes Musk’s announcement of the “last election.” This isn’t just the fear of political defeat. It’s the fear of the end of an entire system. A system where the doors to cooperation, dialogue, and compromise close forever. America is entering its final days, not just of democracy, but of the very idea that society can survive on the principles of pluralism.

But maybe we’re wrong. Maybe the last days of old America are just doors leading to a new future. Maybe beyond all of this lies a new chance—a chance to build something better, something fairer from the ashes of polarization. Or we’ll just watch it slowly die under the weight of its own divisions, remembering the days when we believed that elections were more than mere formality.

What do the last days after the last election look like?

If we believe Musk, those days look terrifyingly quiet. No more triumphs, no grand marches toward a better future. Just a country collapsing from within, under the weight of its own disagreements. Freedoms? Thinning, every one of them. Like paper slowly losing the strength to resist the pull of the gravity of history.

Musk isn’t aiming for war. No, he’s aiming for silence. The last election isn’t gunfire in the streets or military parades in front of Congress. These are elections no one notices anymore because everything has already been decided. Not by fraud, not by theft, but because the perfect machine has already calculated your choice before you even realized it. Political will? That’s a relic of the past, because algorithms know better. America becomes a testing ground—for our lives, our thoughts, our votes.

In Musk’s dystopian vision, the last election is just another illusion. A formality. While we scroll through screens and listen to the whispers of algorithms, freedom quietly retreats. No one notices, no one feels it, until one day there are no more elections—just statistics. Just data. And then what?

The last days after the last election look like a quiet revolution, one in which revolutions are no longer needed. Elon, the prophet of the new era, stands before us and warns—not just of the end of American democracy, but of the end of human freedom as we once knew it. Because when we stop choosing for ourselves, we don’t just lose a system. We lose ourselves.

And perhaps the worst part is that it all comes without noise, without pomp. No tanks in the streets, no soldiers at the Capitol. No, freedom dies in silence. In the whisper of algorithms. As we sit and scroll through our screens, until it’s too late to realize—the last election has already passed.

Indeed, can America, after the death of its democracy, continue to live as dead, yet remain the world’s strongest power, imposing order across the globe in the name of the citizens it has just abandoned?

nzirdum l poskok.info


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