Thomas Matthew Crooks, (22) identificiran je kao napadač koji je pokušao izvršiti atentat na bivšeg predsjednika SAD Donalda Trumpa.
Prema informacijama iz policije, on je odranije poznat po ekstremnim stavovima i više puta je učestvovao u nasilnim incidentima i da je bio dio radikalnih grupa koje promovišu drastične akcije protiv onih koje smatraju neprijateljima.
Crooks je objavio video na društvenim mrežama uoči atentata u kojem je rekao:
– Thomas Matthew Crooks. Mrzim republikance, mrzim Donalda Trampa – rekao je.
Thomas Matthew Crooks, (22), has been identified as the assailant who attempted to assassinate former U.S. President Donald Trump.
According to information from the police, he is previously known for his extremist views and has been involved in violent incidents multiple times. He was part of radical groups that promote drastic actions against those they consider enemies.
Crooks posted a video on social media before the assassination attempt in which he stated:
“Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans, I hate Donald Trump,” he said.