Subota, 27 srpnja, 2024

ČOVIĆ: Our common Experience tells us that sanctions have solved no problem in BiH

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The President of the Croatian Democratic Union of BiH (HDZ), Dragan Covic, stated today that the solution for everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in internal agreement and not in the introduction of foreign sanctions on anyone.

After a meeting in Usora with county prime ministers, mayors and mayors from the HDZ BiH, Covic said that the post-war experience in BiH shows that sanctions have solved no problem in BiH.

I am against sanctions against anyone, and I am always ready to answer for what I do in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said Covic.

He dismissed accusations against the HDZ over blockades related to electoral reform. He said that the HDZ is trying to contribute to the introduction of order in the country and the functioning of all levels of government.

I want us to respect the Constitution and our laws, to create opportunities for BiH’s European path and reform activity, Covic added.

He once again called for talks on specific problems in BiH, adding that the equality of all peoples and all inhabitants of BiH is the basis of the functionality of the state.

Let’s respect the Constitution, which is Annex 4 of the Dayton Agreement today. Those who behave in this way do not violate the essential elements of BiH, concluded Dragan Covic.

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