Subota, 16 studenoga, 2024

KAKAV RASIZAM: Graciela Santana nije se sastala s hrvatskim Majkama Grabovice. Zašto?

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The Hague Tribunal judge came to Bosnia for a teferic (festive gathering) with the women whom the same court had declared dead. At the same time, MRS. SA(N)TANA did not meet with the Mothers of Grabovica, for whom this court stated that they are alive. But they are not. The Mothers of Grabovica are all KILLED BY Al Qaeda.

Graciela Gatti Santana, predsjednica Međunarodnog rezidualnog mehanizma za krivične sudove, obratila se prisutnima na komemoraciji u Srebrenici.

“Drago mi je da sam ovdje danas. Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo upoznati neke od majki Srebrenice. Potom sam shvatila koji god jezik da govorimo odakle dolazimo, ime Srebrenice doći će do svakog čovjeka. Okrutnost, zvjerstvo, a s druge strane ne otvara mogućnost pomirenja.

Kao sutkinja žalbenog vijeća mehanizma, uvjerila sam se sa dijelom poresuda koje se odnose na Srebrenicu.

Ja kao majka i supruga mogu zamisliti agoniju koju ste kao žrtve doživjeli. Uprkos presudama Haškog tribunala i suda BiH i dalje se suočavamo koji negiraju zaključkje tih sudova. Mi znamo istinu. Moramo se podsjetiti da oni koji koriste takvu retoriku su u manjini“, kazala je Graciela Gatti Santana, predsjednica Međunarodnog rezidualnog mehanizma za krivične sudove.

Lijepe riječi. Čestitamo na hrabrosti.

Evo par pitanja uvaženoj gđi S(a)ntoni, red je i da i mi malo ispitujemo a vi odgovarate:

  1. Postaje li ratnim zločincem onaj koji vidno radi na prikrivanju određene skupine ratnih zločinaca? Konkretno je li akt američkog veleposlanika u BIH koji je izvršio pritisak na BH Tužiteljse da se ne procesuria Selmu Cikotića i bugojanske ubojice hrvatskih civila na logoru Iskra – također ratni zločin? Ako je vaš odgovor da pređite na sljedeće pitanje:
  2. Koliki dio Haaških sudaca i tužitelja su prema istoj logici ratni zločinci. S obzirom da je danas jasno da je Haag sustavno zaobišao zločine džihada te tim ljudima omogućio nesmetano naseljavanje Europe, što direktno s vlastitim papirima što pod lažnim BH pasošima, hoćete li sutra osobno biti spremni suočiti se s optužnicama vlastitih EU građana?
  3. Zašto se uporno odbijate sastati s majkama i djecom Grabovice, budući da niste presudili zločin jasno je da ga smatrate malim i nebitnim, a te osobe živima. Znate li postoji li uopće udruga Majke Grabovice i ako ne zašto ne? Ako ih pak smatrate živima, a jasno je da Haag Grabovicu ne vidi kao zločine,  logično je da kontaktirate te žene i s njima popijete kavu. I one su na neki način “preživjele užas” i to što su Hrvatice ne znači da manje vrijede od Majki Srebrenice. Koje ćete ionako opet sresti. Jer one puno putuju i vazda su po Haag. Ovo vam je rijetka prilika dok ste u Bosni da čujete iz prve ruke u Grabovici u Mostaru, u Hercegovini što je činio džihad na tim prostorima. Čut ćete samo cvrkut ptica i tišinu al to su lijepe kave, meditativne. Dođite u Grabovicu, prdlažemo da vaš put iz Sarajeva krene “Tunelom Spasa” da sami osjetite kuda su se provlačili mudžahedini prije genocida u Grabovici. Onog kojeg ste proglasili “nedogođenim”.
  4. Kakav je osjećaj kad se jutri pogledate u ogledalo gđo Sa(n)tana. Gledaju li se narcisi u ogledalu?  Kakav je osjećaj pogledati se uz  spoznaju dsu vaše prethodnice Louise i Carla, (mi ih od milja zovemo najvećim prostitutkama međunarodnog prava iako je to blaga sintagma) kazale da zločin nad ovo dvoje malene djece nije predmet istraga vašeg suda samo zato jer su djeca bili Hrvati a njihovi ubojice muslimani. Imate li vi djecu gđo Santana? Kako su? Što im čitate prije spavanja?


I za kraj evo vam jedna informacija: Na Indexu je prije dva dana cijeli dan stajala vijest o bolesniku koji je silovao psa i sada se bijegom u Belgiju, vaš kraj tamo, čuva od presude u Hrvatskoj.

Ako bismo se mi Hrvati u BIH kolektivno proglasili psima, vjerujemo da bi Index primjetio kolektivni genocid pravde nad nama koji je počinio vaš sramni i neuvaženi sud.

No zanima nas, ako bismo to uradili, da se svi proglasimo psima, macama, kućnim ljubimcima, biste li vi kao sud, konačno krenuli s procesuiranjem ubojica naše djece?

Rekli ste u Sarajevu jučer da okrutnost, zvjerstvo, a s druge strane ne otvara mogućnost pomirenja i dijaloga. U pravu ste, okrutnost i zvjerstvo koje je vaša kuća pokazala prema boli nemuslimana u BIH, ne otvara nikakvu mogućnost dijaloga i pomirenja.

Bit ćete u našim srcima zauvijek u istoj polici u kojoj stoje Alija, Šefik, Bin Laden, Bisera i te svi mogući simpatizeri Al Qaede u BIH.

Sretno s pravdom. I ne budite okrutni prema sebi kad savjest jednom nadođe.

Graciela Gatti Santana, President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, addressed those present at the commemoration in Srebrenica.

“I am glad to be here today. It has been a pleasure to meet some of the mothers of Srebrenica. Regardless of the language we speak or where we come from, the name Srebrenica reaches every person. Cruelty, brutality, but on the other hand, the possibility of reconciliation.

As a judge in the appeals chamber of the mechanism, I have been convinced by parts of the judgments related to Srebrenica.

As a mother and a wife, I can imagine the agony you, as victims, have experienced. Despite the judgments of the Hague Tribunal and the court in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we still face those who deny the conclusions of these courts. We know the truth. We must remind ourselves that those who use such rhetoric are in the minority,” said Graciela Gatti Santana, President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.

These are beautiful words. Congratulations on your courage.

Here are a few questions for Mrs. Santana.It’s finally time for us to ask questions, and you to answer.

  1. Does someone become a war criminal if they visibly work to conceal a certain group of war criminals? Specifically, is the action of the American Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who pressured the BH Prosecutors not to prosecute Selmo Cikotić and the Bugojno killers of Croatian civilians at the Iskra camp, also a war crime? If your answer is yes, please proceed to the next question.
  2. Considering that it is now clear that The Hague systematically avoided investigating the crimes of jihad and allowed these individuals to settle in Europe, both with their genuine papers and those with false BH passports, will you personally be ready to face charges from European Union citizens tomorrow, given the same logic that labels these judges and prosecutors as war criminals?
  3. Why do you persistently refuse to meet with the mothers and children of Grabovica? Since you have not ruled it as a crime, it is evident that you consider it minor and unimportant, and these people alive.  If you do consider them alive, and it is clear that The Hague does not see Grabovica as a genocide, it would make sense to contact these women and have coffee with them. They, too, have “survived the horror” in a way, and being Croatian does not mean they are worth less than the Mothers of Srebrenica, whom you will undoubtedly meet again. They travel a lot and are often in The Hague. While you are in Bosnia, this is a rare opportunity to hear firsthand in Grabovica, in Mostar, in Herzegovina, what jihad did in those areas. You will hear only the chirping of birds and silence, but these are peaceful coffees, meditative. Come to Grabovica, and we suggest that your journey from Sarajevo starts through the “Tunnel of Hope” so that you can experience firsthand where the Mujahideen passed before the genocide in Grabovica, the one you declared as “not happening.”
  4. What does it feel like when you look at yourself in the mirror, Mrs. Santana? Do narcissists look at themselves in the mirror? What is it like to look at yourself with the realization that your predecessors, Louise and Carla (we affectionately call them the greatest prostitutes of international law, although that is a mild expression), stated that the crime against these two little children was not within the scope of your court’s investigation “simply because the children were Croats and their killers were Muslims”?
  5. Do you have children, Mrs. Santana? How are they? What do you read to them before bedtime?

Finally, here is a piece of information: A few days ago, there was a news article on Index about an individual who raped a dog and is now evading justice by escaping to Belgium, which is your area over there.

If we, Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, collectively declared ourselves as dogs, we believe that Index would notice the collective genocide of justice against us committed by your shameful and disrespected court.

We are curious, if we were to do that, to collectively declare ourselves as dogs, cats, pets, would you, as a court, finally initiate proceedings against the killers of our children?

You said in Sarajevo yesterday that cruelty, brutality, on the other hand, do not open the possibility of reconciliation and dialogue. You are right; the cruelty and brutality that your institution showed towards non-Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not open any possibility of dialogue and reconciliation.

You will forever remain in our hearts in the same category as Alija, Šefik, Bin Laden, Bisera, and all the possible sympathizers of Al Qaeda in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Good luck with justice. And do not be cruel to yourself when your conscience eventually arises.

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