Srijeda, 25 rujna, 2024

Ukraine to use Croatian ports on Danube and Adriatic for grain exports


Ukraine will use Croatian ports on the Danube and the Adriatic Sea for the export of its grain, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday, according to the German news agency DPA.

Grain would be transported on the Danube to Croatia and on by rail to Croatian Adriatic ports, the Ministry said, adding that it had agreed this with Croatia.

Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman visited Kyiv on Monday, and his ministry said then that Croatia had made its ports available to Ukraine for the export of Ukrainian grain.

Ukraine did not say how much grain it could export.

By using this transport route, Ukraine seeks to bypass the Russian blockade of the Black Sea, after Moscow cancelled the UN- and Turkey-brokered agreement on grain exports in mid-July.

Kyiv is trying to increase exports by land via the European Union, but several of its neighbours, such as Poland, are obstructing this route.

Many EU farmers fear price decreases if Ukrainian grain reaches the market

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