Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

When Will Ursula Call Zuckerberg?


Here we are again with Ursula von der Leyen, the head chef of the European political kitchen, who’s recently stirred the pot by promising to ramp up deportations of migrants. Yes, you heard that right – deportations. It’s not exactly a new dish on the political menu, but the real question here is: When will Ursula call Zuckerberg? You know, that Zuckerberg, the overlord of the digital underworld where thousands of Europeans have been banished for saying the very things Ursula is now shouting from her Brussels tower.

So, Ursula, when? When will you pick up the phone and say: “Mark, dear, it’s time to hit that button and unban all those people. Because, see, they were visionaries, not xenophobes.”

Facebook – The Graveyard of the Common Man

Remember the time when you commented on Facebook about migrants? “Maybe we should tighten border controls,” you wrote. And bam, Zuckerberg’s algorithm yeets you into digital purgatory. Because, you see, that’s hate speech, xenophobia, intolerance – all the good stuff that ends with an -ism. But now, surprise, surprise! Ursula von der Leyen, queen of European love and inclusivity, is saying the exact same thing, and suddenly it’s not xenophobia anymore – it’s state policy.

So, Ursula, when are you going to pull us out of Zuckerberg’s clutches? Will you tell Mark: “Hey, buddy, you overdid it a bit, give these people their profiles back”? If their words were unacceptable a few years ago, how come yours are now the gospel of Brussels wisdom?

Ursula Is Just a Copy-Paste

A few years ago, if you so much as hinted at “increasing deportations,” or, heaven forbid, said something about irregular migrants, Zuckerberg stacked you like a tetris block. Your Facebook profile disappeared faster than Easter eggs from a discount bin. Because, you know, you were a threat to stability. And now, look at this! Ursula is saying those same phrases, and there’s no red flag, no ban, not even a blinking warning.

Where’s Zuckerberg’s justice now? Nowhere. Because when Ursula speaks, it’s policy, but when regular folks say the same, it’s hate speech.

Double Standards – Exclusively for the Elites

The problem isn’t that Ursula is now using our words. No, no – the problem is that we were never allowed to use them. The same politicians who had us banned for “hate” are now running campaigns under those exact slogans. This isn’t the language of xenophobia – it’s the language of elites, elitismophobia. They can say and do whatever they want, but us? We’re just extras in their grand theater.

Zuckerberg’s algorithm still lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce on us mere mortals, while Ursula and her squad roam free in the digital heavens. So, Ursula, when will you sit down with Mark and tell him: “Listen, pal, give people back the right to say what I’m now saying.” Because if their words were wrong five years ago, what does that make yours now? And if your words are justified today, why weren’t theirs back then?

When Power Steals Our Voice

Imagine a world where Ursula actually calls Zuckerberg. In a fantasy world, of course. Because in reality, that phone call is never going to happen. Elites don’t apologize. Elites don’t make mistakes. This is the same group that called us xenophobes, intolerant, backward – and now uses the same language on the loudspeaker of the European Parliament. And when they speak, everyone nods along.

But where’s the answer? Where are those algorithms, those tireless digital cops who banish you to the shadows the moment you write something they don’t like? They’re gone. Because when Ursula says “we’ll increase deportations,” it’s statesmanship. When you say the same, it’s hate speech.

Ursula, It’s Time to Call

So, Ursula, when will you call Zuckerberg? It’s time to say: “Listen, Mark, it’s time to unban those people. Give them back their voice, give them back the right to say the same things I’m now saying.” Because if your speech is justified, theirs was too.

And until that phone call happens, nothing will change – we’ll remain here, under the thumb of the algorithm, while the elites up there rewrite the rules to suit themselves. Maybe one day we’ll have the same rights as Ursula, but don’t count on it anytime soon. Before that happens, Ursula will have to learn something elites never do – humility. So, Ursula, pick up that phone.


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