Četvrtak, siječanj 2, 2025

U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo Stuck in the Mud: A Shameful Attack on Freedom of Speech and Thought

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The problem is not with Zoran Krešić’s views, which have been taken out of context and should not even be discussed. The real issue lies in the fact that with the lawful appointment of the Management Board of RTV FBiH, this television station could begin to slip out of the grip of Islamists and unitarists.

The fact that orchestrated attacks on dissenters are a method of dealing with Sarajevo’s unitarist politics and its associated public is nothing new. In Bosniak public discourse, such attacks have become so commonplace that they have turned into an almost everyday form of communication among those with differing opinions.

It is a very primitive way of communicating, where the goal is to discredit the dissenter in every possible way, simply to avoid any confrontation of arguments from both sides. Acting from a position of self-imposed false moral superiority, Bosniak politics, especially those circles around SDA, DF, and the Islamic Community, almost routinely launch brutal campaigns against any Croat or Serb (often even Bosniaks) who dares to “interfere” in what they consider their “private property.”

This “property” includes the state of BiH, the FBiH entity, and all their institutions, including RTV FBiH, which should be a public television station for all the constituent peoples living in FBiH.

However, for decades, this television station has been the main tool for demonizing and criminalizing Croats and Serbs, as well as a means of sowing discord among the constituent peoples. FTV has probably contributed more to the destruction of the social fabric of BiH than any other public institution. When watching FTV’s programming, it becomes clear why BiH is destined to fail, especially when considering the continuous portrayal of the Croatian and Serbian constituent peoples as intruders in their own homeland.

It should therefore come as no surprise that, as always, certain circles close to the SDA, DF, and the Islamic Community have launched an attack on one of the most prominent Croatian journalists in BiH, Zoran Krešić, because there was a possibility that he might enter the Management Board of RTV FBiH. The current members of the Management Board and Administration of RTV FBiH have long overstayed their mandate, and the station has effectively been operating on the edge of legality for years. If Krešić were to join the board of this media outlet, some things would certainly change, and FTV would no longer so easily serve as the main vehicle for propagating the most rigid Islamist and unitarist policies in BiH.

Therefore, it is clear who initiated the attack on Krešić and why. What is less obvious to the casual observer is how the U.S. Ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy, became actively involved in this campaign, siding with those who wish to suppress freedom of speech and thought, dictate what journalists are allowed to think, say, and write, and who would steer BiH toward the Muslim world rather than the West.

But if one closely examines the history of U.S. diplomacy in BiH, it becomes evident that this is a history of collaboration with Islamists and unitarists. They have never condemned the illegal and illegitimate imposition of Željko Komšić as the Croat member of the Presidency through Bosniak votes, they actively participate in attempts to impoverish the inhabitants of Republika Srpska because they dislike the democratically and legally expressed political will of the Serb people in BiH, they supported the governments of the Alliance and Platforma, economically devastated Croats by attacking the Hercegovina Bank, and continue to play a significant role in maintaining a state of frozen conflict in our country.

Thus, the problem is not in Zoran Krešić’s views, which have been taken out of context and should not even be discussed. The issue is that with the lawful appointment of the Management Board and Administration of RTV FBiH, this television station could begin to slip out of the grip of Islamists and unitarists. Any person who is politically Croatian would suffer the same fate as Krešić.

It is sad that in these dishonorable actions, which are ultimately a direct threat to the freedoms of speech and thought, the U.S. Embassy and the U.S. Ambassador are participating.

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