Srijeda, 18 rujna, 2024

There is no detention for police officers who beat a returning child in RS


The Basic Court in Zvornik has rejected the proposal of the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Bijeljina to detain four members of the Osmaci Police Station suspected in the investigation of the beating of a Bosniak nationality boy.

In this case, the suspects are members of the Osmaci Police Station – D.M., R.Đ., D.M., and N.P.

D.M. is charged with, as stated, “causing damage to another and seriously violating the rights of another” on August 22, as an official person, as well as “intimidating and physically injuring another person.” R.Đ., D.M., and N.P. are suspected of abusing a minor on the same day.

However, the court claims that there are no legal grounds for detaining those mentioned in the Prosecutor’s Office proposal.

On the other hand, the Prosecutor’s Office argues that there are special circumstances that justify the fear that the suspects could obstruct the criminal proceedings by influencing witnesses and that they could repeat the criminal offense or complete what they had started.

In the end, the Bijeljina District Public Prosecutor’s Office announces an appeal.

  • The acting prosecutor will file an appeal against the court’s decision to reject the proposal for detention of D.M., R.Đ., M.D., and N.P. within the legal deadline – the Bijeljina District Public Prosecutor’s Office stated.

As a reminder, as previously reported by “Nezavisne novine,” they were arrested, then suspended, and an internal procedure will be initiated against them, according to

Juso Jusić, the father of the boy who claims that the police in Osmaci beat him on August 22, previously told “Nezavisne novine” that he heard the child screaming and crying.

  • When it was over, I rushed out of the room and saw two policemen standing at the door of another small room, and my child lying against the wall, and one policeman laughed in my face and said ‘he’s fine’ – Jusić said earlier.

He emphasized that they had gone to the Osmaci Police Station at the invitation of an inspector to take a statement from his son about an incident in the village of Mahala where they live, an incident that, as he says, his son did not attend.

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