The Bosnian judiciary is grappling with a true mystery – the whereabouts of convicted war criminal Sakib Mahmuljin remain unknown. Despite being sentenced by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 2022 to eight years in prison for...
We’re stuck not in just any Bosnian tragicomedy, but in an elite version, where the main roles are played by foreign high representatives, while the streets and local political actors carry out their rituals, all while the international audience...
Stav Carle del Ponte izrečen usred BIH da taj sud neće istraživati muslimanske zločine u BIH, ili barem ne u mjeri u kojoj će istraživati srpske ili hrvatske nije dokaz da Alijini sveti ratnici nisu radili zločine. I da...
Zapeli smo u ne bilo kakvoj bosanskoj tragikomediji, nego elitnoj gdje glavne uloge tumače strani visoki predstavnici i ulica dok međunarodna publika promatra iz lože s tihim negodovanjem.
Christian Schmidt, visoki predstavnik u BiH, našao se u vrtlogu kritika nakon...
The planned Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna, scheduled for August 8-10, 2024, were canceled due to a serious terrorist threat. Austrian authorities arrested three suspects planning the attack. The main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian citizen with North Macedonian roots,...
Among the many analysts who “dissected” HVO crimes, journalist Štefica Galić was especially loud. The topic she wrote about for numerous media in Sarajevo were HVO camps, with particular focus on Dretelj.
In her admonition of the crimes committed in...
Formiranje Republike Srpske bio je iznuđen potez, jer je Srpska demokratska stranka bila za očuvanje Jugoslavije, ali to nije bilo moguće, izjavio je večeras u Novom Sadu na promociji knjige "Kako se rađala Republika Srpska - zapisi iz haškog...