Gentlemen, it's over. When U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio calmly states on camera that Ukraine is losing territory, that the war has become a "prolonged stalemate," and that it is time to enter negotiations, then the game is...
If we consider the Troika as a project of U.S. Ambassador Michael J. Murphy, then the removal of SNSD from state-level government – for reasons far smaller than the party’s previous controversial statements – raises a crucial question: is...
Sjedinjene Američke Države izgrađene su na tradiciji decentralizacije i ravnoteže moći između federalne vlade i saveznih država. Posebno je to vidljivo u sektoru energetike, gdje ključne savezne tvrtke i institucije nemaju sjedište u glavnom gradu Washingtonu, već su strateški raspoređene...
Despite the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the Biden-Albright Group has a clear path to reap immense profits through the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina's gas infrastructure. The plan doesn't aim for mere millions—it's targeting...