Ponedjeljak, 10 veljače, 2025

U.S. foreign policy

RUBIO’S DIE IS CAST: Trump’s Team Declares Biden’s Defeat in Ukraine!

Gentlemen, it's over. When U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio calmly states on camera that Ukraine is losing territory, that the war has become a "prolonged stalemate," and that it is time to enter negotiations, then the game is...

Is Biden’s Outgoing Ambassador Sealing Bosnia as Completely Inaccessible to the Trump Administration?

If we consider the Troika as a project of U.S. Ambassador Michael J. Murphy, then the removal of SNSD from state-level government – for reasons far smaller than the party’s previous controversial statements – raises a crucial question: is...

Popis američkih saveznih tvrtki i institucija za plin i energetiku koje nemaju sjedište u Washingtonu, D.C.

Sjedinjene Američke Države izgrađene su na tradiciji decentralizacije i ravnoteže moći između federalne vlade i saveznih država. Posebno je to vidljivo u sektoru energetike, gdje ključne savezne tvrtke i institucije nemaju sjedište u glavnom gradu Washingtonu, već su strateški raspoređene...

THE ALBRIGHT GROUP’S BILLION-DOLLAR PLAN: How Biden’s Inner Circle in Bosnia Planned to Rob U.S. Citizens, Even After Trump’s Return to Power

Despite the potential return of Donald Trump to the White House, the Biden-Albright Group has a clear path to reap immense profits through the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina's gas infrastructure. The plan doesn't aim for mere millions—it's targeting...
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SJENKE NAD MOSTAROM: Kratki tečaj za “hrvatsku oporbu” zašto ne smiju rušiti Dodika ako žele na idućim izborima osvojiti kakav hrvatski glasić…

U SJENI PIRAMIDA Sunce se topilo na zlatnom pijesku, dok su pod zidinama hrama robovi savijali leđa pod težinom kamenih...
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