Ponedjeljak, 17 veljače, 2025


OHR REFUSUES TO RECOGNIZE: Its interventionism keeps stifling the progress of the BiH society

A recently published announcement, sent from the OHR office, opens up old questions. Who indeed has real power and real authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Who controls OHR, what is its purpose and why does it still exist in...

The story behind Donald Trump’s Polish workers

For the first half-hour of Thursday's Republican presidential debate, all Marco Rubio seemed to want to talk about was Donald Trump's "Polish workers." "People can look it up. I'm sure people are googling it right now," the Florida senator said....

THE RADICAL FACTION OF SDA: Mehmedović did not pass his background checks with NATO.

A member of the BiH Parliament, Šemsudin  Mehmedović again sent a request for prohibition of access to confidential data from the assistant minister of security BiH, anti-terrorism division, Vjekoslav Vuković, who for years worked on stripping mujahedins with whom...

Fred’s lesson about the European road of BiH

Croatian defender, the defender of Croatian defenders and former Minister of Defenders Predrag Matić Fed, on the, already legendary recording from the collegium meeting of the Ministry of Defenders from autumn last year, better known as “Helloooo Busovača….”, expressed...

SOLANA: “In the BiH there is the Republika Srpska and the other part where Bosniaks, Arabs and others live.”

Former Secretary General of NATO and High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, Spanish Socialist Javier Solana said that in the BiH “there is the Republika Srpska and the other part where Bosniaks, Arabs and others...

NEW SCANDAL SHAKES THE US EMBASSY IN SARAJEVO: Who is leaking inside information to Bakir Alispahić, a man blacklisted in the USA?

Is it really possible that the US embassy is cooperating with individuals blacklisted by their own country, marked “absolutely dangerous” with maximum level of un-desirability? It is hard to believe that official representatives in the US embassy would have...
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MILANOVIĆ NA PANTOVČAKU: Nedolazak Vlade jasan je znak demokratske kontrakulture kakvu Europa ne pamti…

  Zoran Milanović sutra će drugi put prisegnuti na dužnost predsjednika Republike Hrvatske. Ritual poznat, uzvanici očekivani, premijer i vlada...
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