Četvrtak, 23 siječnja, 2025

Donald Trump UFC

Jones nokautirao Miočića u Madison Square Gardenu, Stipe najavio mirovinu

Američko-hrvatski MMA borac Stipe Miočić (42) završio je svoju legendarnu karijeru porazom od Jona Jonesa (37) u spektakularnom obračunu za naslov prvaka UFC-ove teške kategorije. Borba je održana 17. studenoga 2024. u slavnom Madison Square Gardenu u New Yorku,...
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Al-Qaeda’s Lackey Dares to Preach to Croats? Sit Down, You Hypocritical Fool

Serge Brammertz, the so-called Chief Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), stands as a glaring...
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