Donald Trump has made his comeback, yet some in the media are already salivating at the idea of his presidency playing out as a courtroom drama. Imagine the headlines: "President on Trial" and "Commander-in-Chief Fights Off Convictions." For Trump’s...
Donald Trump, the perennial comeback figure of American politics, is once again poised to reenter the White House – but this time, under Biden’s invitation, not his own terms. As tradition would have it, Biden has invited Trump for...
Donald Trump je novi predsjednik SAD-a. Pobijedio je u tri ključne države, a u ostalih četiri vodi.
"Ušli smo u povijest. Izliječit ćemo našu zemlju. Jasno je da smo ostvarili nevjerojatan politički uspjeh. Ovo će biti zlatno doba za Ameriku....
Dok mještani Stilja i Kašča razmišljaju kako vratiti stare dane slave svojih krumpira, planina Kruševica doživljava tehnološku renesansu. Ministarstvo...