Nedjelja, 16 veljače, 2025

NEK SE SPREMI NA KANONADU MEDIJSKIH UDARACA IZ "METROPOLE": Hrvatski član predsjedništva danas će dobiti priznanje za proeuropska zalaganja

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Hrvatskom članu Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine Draganu Čoviću danas će biti uručeno priznanje “Osoba godine i Najeuropljanin BiH”.
Ovo priznanje će mu dodijeliti Delegacija Europskog pokreta u BiH.
Prema informacijama koje se mogu pronaći na Facebook stranici ovog pokreta navodi se da je osnovna misija EPuBiH utjecanje na javnost u BiH da se angažira u stvaranju demokratskog društva i u ostvarivanju jednakosti među ljudima i u njihovim zajednicama, kao i promocija europskih vrijednosti i tekovina, uz podržavanje procesa i pojava u BiH koji tome vode, prenosi N1.
EPuBiH radi na stvaranju europskog lobija i klime za priključenje Bosne i Hercegovine u Europsku uniju, prihvaćanje standarda i demokratskih principa definiranih UN i EU Konvencijom o ljudskim i građanskim pravima, a sve to uz očuvanje identiteta, kulture, tradicije i religijskih prava i sloboda svih žitelja Bosne i Hercegovine.

Today, on the 9th of December, 2016., the delegation of the European Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina will deliver award to the Croatian member of B&H Presidency Dr Dragan Covic – “Person of the Year and The Best European in B&H”.

We are especially pleased that, when we get a questionnaire of the European Union, both symbolically and practically get a chance to, as the most prominent pro-European politician and the leader of this process, which is also the most responsible for the return of the company to “European way”, this very historic day and act for all of us in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we can deliver the award to Mr Doctor Dragan Covic just before the meeting with Mr. Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for enlargement.

In this way, the award of the European Movement is not only a award of Dr Covic, but also our institutional support to all progressive and pro-European politicians in B&H, such as Denis Zvizdic, Mirko Sarovic, Igor Crnadak, Zeljka Cvijanovic, Fadil Novalic…, Which they are forming their engagement system for coordination, ie, contributed and supported Mr. Covic in the process of filing the application, and therefore the team are to this day is a special date in European history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ceremony of delivery of recognition in the Office of the Croatian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting at 12.00,it is opened for camera operators and reporters, and the press release will be sent after the ceremony.

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