Ponedjeljak, 10 veljače, 2025

Is Biden’s Outgoing Ambassador Sealing Bosnia as Completely Inaccessible to the Trump Administration?

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If we consider the Troika as a project of U.S. Ambassador Michael J. Murphy, then the removal of SNSD from state-level government – for reasons far smaller than the party’s previous controversial statements – raises a crucial question: is Murphy’s work in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) actually a deliberate move to undermine the country’s functionality ahead of the Trump era?

Murphy’s Final Act in BiH Politics
A meeting with the leader of HDZ 1990 before Murphy’s departure, coupled with the apparent intention to establish a state-level coalition that would not interfere with entity-level governments, suggests a clear goal: paralyze BiH to the point of complete dysfunctionality. This would ensure that governing structures across BiH could not operate in synergy during the Trump administration, potentially favoring certain international or local factions resistant to change.

A Project of Total Dysfunctionality?
Murphy’s tenure has been marked by the systematic dismantling of key pillars of governance in BiH:

  • Judiciary: Instead of strengthening institutions, the judiciary has been weakened to the point where public trust has eroded. His role in protecting figures like Selmo Cikotić clearly demonstrated double standards.
  • Legislature: The imposition of laws and selective pressures on political actors destabilized the legislative process.
  • Executive: Murphy’s interventions did not enhance functionality but rather deepened divisions.
  • Media: Critical voices have been systematically silenced, reducing media freedom to a state of near-censorship.

Recomposition of Power: Preparation for the Trump Era?
Should this political reconfiguration succeed, BiH could enter a phase of total paralysis. A state-level coalition completely detached from entity-level governments would leave key issues unresolved. A potential Trump administration, likely to focus on global priorities while distancing itself from BiH, would inherit a country with shattered institutions and no political cohesion.

Genius or Destructive?
If this truly is Murphy’s final act, we must acknowledge that, considering his role in shielding individuals like Selmo Cikotić, it is masterful in its destructiveness. Leaving behind a country judicially, legislatively, executively, and media-wise devastated, while ensuring that Trump-aligned forces cannot enact change – is a move worth noting.

Murphy’s departure leaves BiH in chaos, while a potential new U.S. administration enters a landscape deliberately rigged for dysfunction. BiH is entering a period of total non-functionality, with its political elites trapped in Murphy’s legacy. Destructive as it may be, we must admit – strategically, it’s almost brilliant.


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