Monday, October 28, 2024

Viktor Orban Bruxellesu: Tko je Europsku uniju doveo do bankrota u dvije i pol godine?

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U četvrtak i petak, premijer Viktor Orban sudjeluje na sastanku vođa EU u Bruxellesu, gdje će se raspravljati o pitanjima migracija i proračuna EU. U petak ujutro, premijer je razgovarao s radijom Kossuth o dosadašnjem dnevnom redu sastanka i stajalištima mađarske vlade, izvještava

“Jučer je tema bila migracija, a danas ćemo raspravljati o proračunu”, rekao je Viktor Orban na radiju. Podsjetio je da će članice morati platiti milijarde eura kako bi obnovile sedmogodišnji proračun, jer se sredinom razdoblja novac već potrošio.

Dodao je da je novac namijenjen, između ostalog, da se Ukrajini dodijeli 50 milijardi eura, ali je istaknuo da je Europska unija već prošle godine i pol dala 70 milijardi eura u tu svrhu i nije poznato za što je taj novac korišten. Također nije jasno tko će kontrolirati kako će se potrošiti, rekao je.

Drugi važan element prijedloga proračuna je da EU želi da sve članice plate povećani teret kamata na zajam – od kojih Poljaci i Mađari nisu dobili ništa – koji je EU poduzela. Treći veći iznos bit će zatražen kako bi se olakšao dolazak migranata u Europu, istaknuo je Orban.

U međuvremenu, žele da vlada ukine rezove u računima za komunalne usluge kako bi ostalo nekoliko milijardi eura kako bi se povećale plaće u Bruxellesu, dodao je premijer. Dakle, Mađari bi trebali platiti cijenu povećavajući svoje troškove, rekao je, tvrdeći da je cijela situacija potpuno apsurdna.

U petak je Orban rekao da Europska komisija mora odgovoriti na pitanje gdje su otišli novci i tko je odgovoran što je Europsku uniju doveo do financijskog bankrota u dvije i pol do tri godine. Dodao je da će kao i obično u Bruxellesu pokušati gurnuti naprijed pitanje povećanja doprinosa.

Članice Odbijaju Prijedlog Europske Komisije za Povećanje Doprinosa

Austrijski kancelar je rekao da bi upotreba postojećih financijskih fondova trebala biti prioritet Europske komisije prije nego što se poveća iznos novca koji treba platiti.Nastavi čitati

Upitan hoće li financijska potpora EU za Ukrajinu brže donijeti mir, premijer je rekao: “već smo na granici naše sposobnosti, to je o čemu se vodi ova rasprava”, dodajući da nema novca u proračunu EU.

“Gdje su mađarski novci? Gdje su poljski novci? Bojim se da su ih dali Ukrajini”, izjavio je premijer.

Napomenuo je da EU gubi konkurentnost i suočava se s velikim ekonomskim problemima. EU ostaje bez novca, zbog čega žele sve više i više posuđivati, a potom taj novac koristiti za “pogrešne” svrhe, što gura članice u dužničku zamku, napomenuo je.

Komentirajući debatu u četvrtak navečer, premijer je rekao da je to “borba za slobodu, a ne pobuna.” Podsjetio je da je prijedlog o kvoti za migrante gurnut kroz Vijeće ministara unutarnjih poslova na način sličan puču, što su snažno odbili Poljaci i Mađari. Rekao je da su se dogovorili da Mađarska treba primiti barem 10.000 migranata. Po Orbánovim riječima, Mađarska bi bila obvezana izgraditi migrantske geto. Na tu temu je istaknuo da je vidio migrante kako marširaju Europom, dodavši da neće postati radnici u Njemačkoj.

Što se tiče migracija, Orban je istaknuo da nije pitanje “donošenja problema u Europu”, već pružanje pomoći gdje je potrebno. Naglasio je da Mađarska pokušava pomoći onim državama koje su u potrebi prije nego što se pritisak migracija poveća i postane teško zaustaviti.

Viktor Orbán to Brussels: Where Is the Money?

On Thursday and Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán attends a summit of EU leaders in Brussels, where the issues to be discussed include migration and the EU budget. On Friday morning, the Prime Minister spoke to Radio Kossuth about the summit’s agenda so far and the Hungarian government’s position, reports

“Yesterday the topic was migration, and today we will be discussing the budget,” Viktor Orbán said on the radio. He recalled that Member States would have to pay billions of euros to replenish the seven-year budget, because halfway through the period the money has already run out.

He added that the money is intended to be used, among other things, to give 50 billion euros to Ukraine, but pointed out that the European Union has already given 70 billion euros for this purpose over the past year and a half, and it is not known what this money has been used for. It is also unclear who will control how it is spent, he said.

The second important element of the budget proposal is that the EU wants to make all Member States pay the increased interest burden on the loan – of which the Poles and Hungarians did not receive a penny – that the EU has taken out. The third major amount is to be asked for to facilitate the arrival of migrants in Europe, Orbán emphasized.

Meanwhile, they want the government to abolish the utility bill cuts in order to have a few billion euros left over to increase salaries in Brussels,

the Prime Minister added. So Hungarians should pay the price by paying more for their overheads, he said, arguing that the whole thing is completely absurd.

On Friday, Orbán said that

the European Commission must answer the question of where the money has gone and who is responsible for bringing the European Union to the brink of financial bankruptcy in two and a half to three years.

He added that as is the way in Brussels, they will try to kick the matter of increasing the contributions forward.

Member States Refuse European Commission Proposal to Increase Contributions

Member States Refuse European Commission Proposal to Increase Contributions

Most recently, the Austrian chancellor said that the use of existing financial funds should be a priority for the European Commission before increasing the amount of money to be paid in.Continue reading

Asked whether EU financial support for Ukraine would bring peace faster, the Prime Minister said: “we are already at the limits of our capacity, that is what this debate is about,” adding that there is no money in the EU budget.

“Where is the Hungarian money? Where is the Polish money? I fear that they have given it to Ukraine,”

the Prime Minister stated.

He pointed out that the EU was losing competitiveness and there were huge economic problems. The EU is running out of money, which is why they want to borrow more and more, and then use that money for the “wrong” purposes, which is driving Member States into a debt trap, he noted.

Commenting on Thursday night’s debate, the Prime Minister said it was “a fight for freedom, not a rebellion.” He recalled that the proposal on the migrant quota system was pushed through the Council of Interior Ministers in a coup-like manner, which was strongly opposed by Poles and Hungarians. He said that rules had been agreed on that Hungary should take in at least 10,000 migrants. In Orbán’s words, Hungary would be obliged to build migrant ghettos. On this topic, he pointed out that he had seen migrants marching across Europe, adding that they would not become workers in Germany.

Regarding migration, Orbán emphasized that it was not a question of “bringing trouble to Europe,” but of bringing help to where it was needed. He stressed that Hungary is trying to help those states that are in need before the migration pressure starts and becomes difficult to stop.

Migrant Quota Would Mean a Burden of 800 Million Euros on Hungary

According to politicians and experts, the new proposal is like an invitation letter for smugglers and migrants.Continue reading

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