Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

In Foreign Language

Julian Assange: The Last Martyr and First Hero of Truth in a Dying West

Imagine Julian Assange, not as a figure from tabloid headlines but as the last true hero of an era – an era that is now dead and buried. If Assange had done what he did in Russia or China,...

Balotelli su Boban: Mi dà sui nervi, attacca dall’alto

Mario Balotelli è stato ospite del programma "Vox to Vox" del media italiano Cintracalcio, dove ha criticato l'ex calciatore Zvonimir Boban. La scorsa settimana, il Milan ha perso in casa contro il Liverpool per 1-3 nella prima partita di Champions...

Albanian Prime Minister creates an islamic microstate in Tirana, similar to the Vatican

Albanian Prime Minister Plans Islamic Microstate in Tirana: Motivations and Implications Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama recently announced an ambitious plan to create a sovereign microstate for the Bektaši community, a Sufi Islamic order, in the capital city of Tirana....

Collective betrayal of Ukraine: The Darkest Scenario – Zelensky with NATO weapons and Putin against the West?

If you thought this war had already shown us everything – think again. The darkest scenario is yet to come. Ukraine, the symbol of resistance, armed to the teeth by the West, could soon turn its back on its...

The Vatican’s Merciful Game: Franciscans, Cults, and the Recidivism of the “Order-state”

The recent decision by the Vatican to acknowledge the "spiritual fruits" of Medjugorje, while simultaneously avoiding the recognition of supernatural apparitions, is part of a broader strategic game by the Church. Instead of confronting the phenomenon head-on, the Vatican...

10 Reasons for a Democratic NO to This, Their, and Not Our Bosnia and Herzegovina

The generations living in Bosnia and Herzegovina today, who are the bearers of its development and progress, did not participate in the war. Primarily, we refer to the young, working-age population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They want to live in a...

Is Sarajevo preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the most successful air strike of the Bosnian army in history?

As the world marks the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, a tragic event where 3,000 lives were lost, questions linger about the involvement of certain individuals tied to Bosnia’s wartime history. Notably absent from any Western media discussion is...

Szijjártó: EU Has Fallen into a War-Mongering State, Hungary and Slovakia in the Minority

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said that Budapest has been "stigmatized" for insisting on ending the conflict in Ukraine. "Hungary will continue to insist on an immediate and peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian conflict despite Western pressure to change its...

U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo Stuck in the Mud: A Shameful Attack on Freedom of Speech and Thought

The problem is not with Zoran Krešić’s views, which have been taken out of context and should not even be discussed. The real issue lies in the fact that with the lawful appointment of the Management Board of RTV...

WILL HE FLEE TO MOSCOW AFTER HIS TERM? Michael Murphy, the U.S. Ambassador Who Is Significantly Strengthening Russian Influence in the Balkans

For too long, too repetitively, unimaginatively, boringly, and ultimately miserably, and of course without any consequences for their own reputation and influence, this tyrannical, almost racist habit of the US embassy continues, signing statements prepared by Muslim staff within...
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SKEJO: Država daje prostor Prijovićki, ali za Thompsona nema mjesta?

Nakon nedavne konferencije za tisak, Udruga IX. bojne HOS-a izrazila je svoje duboko nezadovoljstvo načinom na koji se njihove...
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