Petak, 18 listopada, 2024

When will Schmidt protect his law on denial of crimes, especially in Mostar?


If you ask the average tourist in Mostar what was the worst crime during the last war in this city, 99% of them will answer, “The destruction of the Old Bridge.”

In this way, human lives become less valuable than stones, which have been rebuilt. Any sensible person would wonder how this is possible. Here, we are not only talking about Croatian lives but all victims.

However, if you ask someone more knowledgeable in victimology of the past fratricidal war, anyone even slightly humane, they will tell you that the worst crime of the war was Grabovica. Even Alija didn’t deny it. And he repeated that nothing could absolve him and his Army from that crime. That it was the worst defeat of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Yet, tourist guides of Safet Oručević do not talk about Grabovica. Nor does his museum. And he pretends to be some kind of peace architect. So, all the generals of the Army acknowledge the magnitude of that crime, but only Safet remains silent.

However, Safet’s silence is his personal choice. The human shell has decided to leave this world as a shell that has decided to erase Grabovica from the collective memory of Mostar citizens of the Islamic faith.

But someone else’s silence worries us because it is unlawful.

The Potočari Memorial Center, by law, has obligated itself to attack any attempt to conceal the truth about genocide, not only in Srebrenica but any other on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It promised to be a beacon in the fight against hiding crimes.

Indeed, how many statements from the Potočari Memorial Center have you read attacking, for example, the US ambassador for concealing criminals from Bugojno?

Or let’s put it this way: How many times have you read a statement from Emir Suljagić claiming that erasing genocide in Grabovica, as an indisputable example of the school genocide of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina in alliance with ISIS and Hamas, is one of the greatest post-war defeats of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

No. Instead, this well-paid selective researcher of crimes and criminals, a collaborator of Hague Taliban, those who publicly stated that they are not interested in the crimes of the Muslim army against Croats, will remain silent about Grabovica and the way Safet Oručević posthumously packages history.

And in doing so, he will violate the law under which he receives a salary. Because in the law on the Potočari Memorial Center, it is clearly stated that Emir Suljagić is obliged to thunder against Oručević and Safet’s erasure of Grabovica. It is a museum that is uncomfortable for any general of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina to enter because they know that there is not even a word about Grabovica.

You won’t believe it, but that’s how it is. You can read the law in detail here.And you won’t believe it, it was imposed by the OHR (Office of the High Representative), which is now silent about its violation.

Furthermore, on the other side in the same Eastern Mostar, there is a man named Sejo Đulić. A man who is fighting for reconciliation between people. He created the play “Lullaby for Mladenka” and performed it hundreds of times, with his children of truth, young actors of the Amateur Theater Mostar. Đulić’s theater of reconciliation is on the verge of collapse; its boards are decaying while the barons of hatred Suljagić and Oručević shout from all their mega-positions.



Although the Memorial Center in Potočari is the only state institution funded by all of us to investigate genocide cases, Suljagić is more likely to unearth and relocate his already moved father for the second time than to publicly speak about the greatest shame that the war architect and the man persistently working to prevent reconciliation between the people from both sides have brought to Mostar.

What is the reason behind this? For him to continue monopolizing Eastern Mostar? Now that this part of Mostar is finally 100% his. Which it never was before.

This concerns Safet Oručević, the founder of the War and Genocide Museum in Mostar, which, according to TripAdvisor, is the fourth most visited tourist location.

Imagine that in the Memorial Center in Potočari, there are all possible testimonies of suffering except for the suffering of Bosniaks in Potočari? Imagine that the Museum of Emir Suljagić is filled with all possible testimonies except for those documenting the mass shooting of Škorpions and Mladićevci?

And now back to Mostar. To the shame of all our people, a fratricidal massacre occurred in Mostar, directed by our stepmother Austria, to the point of thin chances for the former reconciliation.

But one crime in Mostar, the crime of genocide in Grabovica, due to its arrogance, aggression from both foreign and domestic armies, against the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, civilians, elderly, a completely annihilated place that even left Murphy, a fan of Bosniak criminals, breathless, this crime has overshadowed all other crimes.

And Sanels and Emir Sujlagićs can thunder about artificial intelligence and Andy Warhol-like works of the Faculty of Philosophy, but until they call out Safet Oručević for the pure fascism of his museum in Mostar, where the genocide in Grabovica is completely ignored, they better remain silent.

We also appeal to Croatian representatives in the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as parliamentarians in the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to read the law or decision under which the Potočari Memorial Center was established. They will find a paragraph stating that they receive funds for their work with certain obligations.

One of the obligations of the Potočari Memorial Center is to highlight all other genocidal points in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In short, if Emir Suljagić refuses to publicly protest against Oručević and his intentional erasure of Mladenka Zadro from her village, from the culture of memory of Herzegovina, then our representatives should demand that the Ministry responsible for financing the Potočari Memorial Center immediately cut off further funding until the director of this memorial center is removed from that position.

And the Mayor of Mostar, as well as the Croats of Mostar, should, in addition to temporarily closing the museum, file a criminal complaint against Oručević for spreading interethnic hatred.

If they do not know what we are talking about, they should visit his museum of hatred. And they will understand that everything that the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina destroyed has been erased there.

Even our children from the knightly swings have been erased, and talking about some Serbian war victim doesn’t even cross Oručević’s mind.

Even though the whole Al Qaeda procession passed through there.

And of course, he never mentioned the fact that Bin Laden’s man was in Eastern Mostar throughout the war.

We hope you understand what we want from you. Not only the notorious Suljagić but also the representatives of our people. We don’t count on the 90s. They have pledged themselves to the service of Murphy’s mob and are not dealing with the Croatian issue.

We also address Mr. Schmidt.

Mr. Schmidt. You’re like the head of some Annex 10, right? Sorry for bothering you in your butchering of Annex 4, over which you have no authority, but it would be nice of you to pay attention to this issue.

We ask you: When will you give an award to Sejo Đulić for humanity and for his lifetime achievement in general, and remove Oručević from Mostar? The man is a problem for the integration of this city. He sows hatred, kills our dead children.

Then we ask you: When will you read your own law that you have enacted, the Law on the Potočari Memorial Center, and realize that Emir Suljagić and the management of the Potočari Memorial Center, through their silence on the erasure of Grabovica from the collective memory of Mostar, are violating your law?

We draw your attention to what you have imposed. Please protect your law as you do when it comes to punishing Serbs and Croats.

Or simply leave Bosnia and Herzegovina. With greetings or without. You’ve been exposed. Both you and your Austro-German neo-fascism.

Thank you for responding to our call.

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